As mentioned in the title, I am lacking of inspiration lately. So much has happened, from being on cloud 9 vibes to being dragged to 6 feet under (try to stay sane at all times)

No matter what, keep your head held high, chin up, recuperate and step into the next chapter with your dreams and passion burning.

Usually when I choose to walk away from someone or some situation, it’s mainly because: 1) It has turned into a battle 2) There’s no point for me to stay anymore and lacking of reciprocity and piled with misunderstandings

Used to be my favourite quote “A la folie” — I might just had enough of that haha

Definition of insanity: investing in something again and again hoping for a different outcome

P/s: Give yourself a pat no matter what, love yourself, hug yourself. No one can understand your journey better than you! As long as you forgive yourself, learn and overcome any difficulties in life, the universe will grant you with blessings (might not be what you want at that moment, but what you NEED).